Lookalike Style: Valentino Rock Stud Shoes and Chanel Classic Flap Bag

Sooo. I avoid knowingly writing blogs that infringe upon a brand's copyright because it's wrong and illegal to buy such goods. That said, designer inspired goods are fine as they don't steal a manufacturer name, nor use their label. Lookalikes are sold openly, not in a back room. They may not include every tiny detail of the authentic article, but are close-enough-for-less to achieve the look. Personally, I will buy an inexpensive imitation as long as there is transparency: it doesn't pass itself off as real, or slap the designer's name on the product. Moreover, when someone admires it, I tell them it's a copycat. Why pretend otherwise?

Here's a short article on US copyright laws here to grasp what practices the fashion industry allows.
Angie, friend of THE SAVVY SHOPPER, has long desired a pair of Valentino Rock Stud shoes, but not enough to pay the full retail price of $995 - $1095. My nearby TJ Maxx gets them sometimes for $700, but not at Angie's local TJ Maxx. Sooo! I decided to find a spectacular leather Valentino Rockstud inspired shoe for Ang. IMO, leather shoes are a must. Not so with a handbag, but in a shoe, leather's ability to breathe and give is vital.

I think I succeeded! 😍👠 Drum roll please🎶:

The doppelgänger is Kaitlyn Pan RockStud - This shoe's name is clearly on the label of the shoes, which come in a wide assortment of colors and styles in both heels and flats.

One day, I may buy a Chanel inspired Classic Flap bag. The iconic bag was the very first pocketbook ever designed ... in an era when women carried clutch bags. The always practical and stylish Coco Chanel conceived of a purse for women to carry, leaving their hands free. So she created a chain attrachment resembling a piece of jewelry to be draped over a shoulder. 

The Chanel Classic Flap is the best selling designer bag in the world. Despite its beauty and versatility, I can't justify spending $5,900+ on a real one. Wow!

Going Chanel inspired lessens the pain abundantly! Here's a suitable leather lookalike for oodles less. Not a dead ringer, as you can see, not the same chain and no logo. No one would mistake it for a geniune Chanel, but quite nice! It has the vibe!

Note that since 2010, Karl Lagerfeld, the head creative director of Chanel added another inside flap to the bag (so it is at times called the Chanel Double Flap bag). If to save money, you buy a used Chanel Classic Flap bag made before 2010, it will only have a single flap. This inspired Chanel Flap bag copied by manufacturer Ainifeel has the double flaps.

Here's another Chanel Flap inspried bag for less by none other than Karl Lagerfeld sold under his own name. It has one flap.

The double flap holds the shape of the bag longer, while the single flap bag offers a tad more storage room inside the purse. 

BTW, if buying a spanking new $5,900 bag, I'd buy the Jumbo Caviar Double Flap bag in black. IMO, the bag is lovelier in the alternate lambskin offering though it starches easily. Perhaps, not an issue for people with deep pockets.🙂

I like the inspired bag, but do I really want it? Hmm. Handbags are not my tempation trigger. So I'm still deciding. Meanwhile, here is the $29 purse I use, rain or shine ... in other words mindlessly.

Do you have a Chanel designer, or a Chanel inspired bag? What is your favorite designer bag of all?

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