About Morganite

Photo: DonGuennie (G-Empire The World Of Gems) I don't need to own lots of fine jewelry to love it. Jewelry is one area of a department store where I might browse. Fortunately, I have the willpower to look without buying, just like when walking through a museum, I know I won't be taking a van Gogh home. Looking at cases of sparklers is fun! All featured rings from Macy's A few months ago, a Macy's sales associate mentioned a gem, morganite , I have never heard of as one of her favorites. Now I'm learning it's a popular engagement ring choice. I wonder how it is I got to my age without knowing what morganite is? Learning something new daily! It turns out, morganite i s a pink beryl -- a mineral compound consisting of beryllium aluminum cyclosilicate. The beryl family of rocks includes emeralds and aquamarines also. Morganite is valued for its pretty pink hue and relative hardness. On the Mohs 10-Hardness Scale, diamonds rate a 10 while mo...