90 Degree Days Ahead
It seems like every spring has a week in which temperatures rise making the season feel more like summer. Here on the East Coast, the next three days are going to hit the 90s. Are you ready for them? I love summer, so I won't mind too much. I can always remove layers of clothing and/or sip a tall, slurpy, icy drink to cool myself off. Here are a few things to be grateful for when the thermometer registers HOT: 1. The great outdoors - Relishing public parks, backyard barbecues and center-of-town window shopping. Being outside is fun ... period. Whether you're enjoying the leafy green or walking on a city pavement, there are lots of sights to take in. 2. Music mixes - Make a CD of all you favorite pop songs , or if you're lucky enough to have an eclectic radio station in your area, be sure to drive your car with the radio cranked up (loud for you in your car, though not at a volume to annoy a neighborhood). You never get too old for it! ♬ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♪ 3. Swimmin...